Dosha Test


Click here for a written Step-by-step Guide!

In the original test as it was designed by Atreya Smith, you had to choose 1 answer per question. In quite some cases, this is next to impossible. Therefore, we have changed it a bit. You now have a total of 6 points to divide amongst the 3 answers for each question and you have to use all 6 of them.

If there is 1 answer amongst the three that is 100% you, give it 6 points and move on to the next question.


If not, here’s how to do it:

If the answers consist of a comma-separated list, consider the comma as an OR, not an AND.

For example:
Question 30: Emotional tendencies:
- Anxious, fearful, nervous, worries
- Frustrated, irritable, angry, dominating
- Calm, attached, greedy, sentimental

1) If you tend towards worrying and getting sentimental, you could assign 3 points to each answer:


2) But if you tend more towards worrying than towards being sentimental, you could assign 4 or even 5 points to the first answer, and the remaining 2 or 1 to the third answer:


3) In the same way, if you tend towards being fearful, frustrated and greedy, you could assign 2 points per answer:


4) Or 1, 2, 3 if you tend more towards greediness and less towards fear:


You have to fill in each question, or you cannot move to the next. If you really cannot make up your mind about a question, we suggest you fill in 2, 2, 2.

You have a total of 6 points to divide among the 3 answers for each of the 39 questions and you have to use them every 6 (like 6, 0, 0 or 2, 2, 2 or 0, 3, 3). This will allow us to know your constitution quite exactly.
1. Body frame
Tall or short, thin, poorly developed physique
Medium height, moderately developed physique
Stout, stocky, big, well developed physique
2. Body weight
Light, hard to hold weight
Moderate weight
Heavy, gains weight easily
3. Skin Texture
Dry, rough or cracked, prominent veins
Moist, pink, freckles
White, moist, soft
4. Skin Temperature
5. Hair Quality
Coarse, dry, split ends
Fine, soft, can gray or bald early
Abundant, oily, thick, lustrous
6. Face Shape
Small, thin, long
Medium sized, oval
Large, round, fat
7. Teeth
Often crooked
Medium sized
Large, even
8. Gums
Dark, receding gums
Red, gums bleed easily
Soft, pink
9. Tongue Width
Narrower than teeth, long and thin
Same width as teeth, oval shaped front
Wider than teeth, thick, round front
10. Quality of Hands
Fine, dry, cold, long fingers
Symmetrical, pink, warm
Large, thick and short fingers
11. Finger Nails
Thin, rough, fissured, cracked, darkish
Strong, pinkish
Thick, smooth, white
12. Digestive Strength
Variable or weak, often has allergies
Strong, able to digest most anything
Medium or slow but steady
13. Digestive Disturbances
Intestinal gas
Acidity or burning
Bloated feeling or heaviness, nausea
14. Food Attractions
Dry, sweet or salty, crispy snack foods
Spicy, salty, hot
Sweet, creamy, cold
15. Food Habits
Binges, snacks, forgets to eat
Likes regular, plentiful meals
Eats constantly, overeats regularly
16. Food Sensitivities
Beans, cabbage family
Onions, tomatoes, fried foods
Dairy, salt
17. Urination
Two to four times per day
Four to six times per day
Three to five times per day
18. Feces
Dry, hard, difficult or painful, gas, tends towards constipation
Abundant, loose, sometimes yellowish, tends towards diarrhea
Moderate, solid, sometimes pale in color or can have mucus in stool
19. Sweat and Body Odor
Little with no smell
Profuse, hot, strong smell
Moderate, neutral smell
20. Blood Circulation
Poor, variable, cold hands & feet
Good, warm hands & feet
Slow but steady, cool hands & feet
21. Appetite
Variable, erratic
22. Activities
Quick, fast, erratic, hyperactive
Motivated, purposeful, goal seeking
Slow, steady, methodical
23. Strength and Endurance
Poor endurance, starts & stops
Moderate level of endurance
Strong, good endurance, slow in starting
24. Sensitivity to Environment
Dislike of cold, wind, sensitive to dryness, likes warmth
Dislike of heat or direct sun, likes coolness
Dislike of cold, damp, likes wind and sun
25. Resistance to Disease
Poor, variable, weak immune system
Medium, prone to infections
Good, consistent, strong immune system
26. Disease Tendency
Nervous system diseases, pain, mental disorders, insomnia, eating disorders, arthritis
Febrile diseases, ulcers, infections, inflammatory diseases, heart attacks
Respiratory system diseases, mucus, edema, obesity, benign tumors
27. Speech Habits
Quick, talkative, inconsistent, erratic
Moderate, argumentative, convincing
Slow, concise, not talkative
28. Mental Nature
Quick, adaptable, indecisive, impulsive
Factual, penetrating, critical
Slow, steady
29. Emotional Response
Quick, but soon over
Hot, irritated or defensive, grudge
Slow, but bothers for a long time
30. Emotional Tendencies
Anxious, fearful, nervous, worries
Frustrated, irritable, angry, dominating
Calm, attached, greedy, sentimental
31. Social Relations
Relates easy, can be superficial
Relates well, can be dominating
Relates with difficulty
32. Mental Relations to Objects
Not very important, erratic
Important to know about, purposeful
Important to have or own, practical
33. Relationship to Money
Not very important
Useful to reach goals or respect
Very important
34. Relationship to Spending Money
Spends easily
Spends for a purpose
Spends with difficulty
35. Friends
Has many, but not deep
Has close relationships
Has few, but very deep
36. Love Relationships
Tends to have many, erratic
Tends to marry for position or looks
Single partner, very faithful
37. Neurotic Tendencies
Hysteria, anxiety attacks, depression
Extreme temper, rage, tantrums
Sorrow, unresponsiveness, depressive, grief
38. Life Goals
Changing frequently, not so important
Determined, very important
Fixed for life early
39. Sleep
Light, tends towards insomnia, restless
Moderate, may wake up but will fall asleep again
Heavy, difficulty in waking up in the morning
Please provide us with your name to print on your list, and your email address as a unique identifier so that you get the correct list, and not someone else's. We assure you that we will not share these data with anybody under any circumstance.

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